jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Robert Pattinson Talks “Cosmopolis” Confidence

He’s one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, but even Robert Pattinson needs a confidence boost from time to time.

The “Twilight Saga: New Moon” stud credits his role in the forthcoming “Cosmopolis” with giving him the self-assurance he lacked prior to the gig.

In a recent interview with Premiere magazine, Robert shared, "Filming Cosmopolis with David changed something in me. It gave me balls."

Before “Cosmopolis,” Pattinson says he “spent time doubting myself. As soon as I read a script that I liked, I was working myself up, asking myself if I was good enough."

And now he’s much more bold about pursuing acting jobs. "I tell myself: 'F--- it! If they want to hire you, go!'"

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