viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

Miley Cyrus Lesbian Photo With Assistant Leaks

Now that Miley Cyrus is 18 and pictures like this come second to stills of her from the bong video, I am less than excited to learn of new leaked pictures. I saw the headline reading ‘New Racy Miley Cyrus Photos Leaked Online’, and was all ‘Meh’. I’m sticking to my Ke$ha rule, and I see no one’s taint. That said, she’s wearing a somewhat provocative outfit and Cyrus’ female assistant is pretending to lick the singer’s nipple through her dress. Because lesbianism is the gift that keeps on giving, like the Kardashians, or herpes. Cyrus isn’t a stranger to semi-nude photos, and we’ve already seen her actual nipples (not ones covered in clothing and mocking your faps). This is pretty vanilla. But, the interesting sidestep from sexting and faked naked photos posed for by a European impostor has piqued my interest. This picture, I’ll warn you, will sneak into your dreams at night and infiltrate your faps. So avoid looking at it just before you go to bed.

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