sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

EXCLUSIVE: Kardashian Pictures From Set of Her Video

The cornrow braids Kim Kardashian was seen wearing on Thursday can be explained away without the use of narcotics or hand puppets. The cornrows were part of the styling for her Hype Williams-directed music video, co-starring Kanye West. A video from an album I guess she’s still determined to release and a promo shot over what appears to be several days. In the still, another of which is shown below, Kardashian’s raggedy ends are covered with beads; Bo Derek-style.

Whatever. I still don’t like them on her. She looks better doing less. I guess the West feature explains those pregnancy rumours from last month; rumours I ignored until they were dismissed; rumours she probably started to this end. All the styling (rehashed Jennifer Lopez circa 2001) and all the oversize glasses won’t compensate for a weak track. I guess it’ll be released soon. We’ll see.

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