domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Listen To Lady Gaga’s Chat With Stephen Fry For ‘Financial Times’

With a slew of promotional appearances to push her just-released LP Born This Way, it’s a safe bet that Lady Gaga is probably raking in some serious dough right about now. Thus it’s appropriate that the high-flying diva was recently featured in an interview in Financial Times, during which she sat down for tea, cookies, and champagne with British writer and actor Stephen Fry (guess which one was dressed as a Viking from the 80’s?). During the conversation, the ménage à trois fan admits Born This Way was influenced by Madonna, as well as other icons like David Bowie and Michael Jackson (but there’s no mention of Poison or Whitney Houston). Read more below.

“I most of the time think that it’s not what I’m saying that pisses people off, it’s that I have anything to say at all!” Gaga giggles during the chat, before launching into a discussion of how she views her public persona.

The self-Googling star also claims the only major purchases she’s made since her fame are a heart valve for her father and an anniversary gift for her parents (a Rolls Royce — not too shabby), also confessing that she somehow went bankrupt more recently than you’d think. There is also more in-depth insight to that infamous meat dress.

You can listen to the full audio of the interview over at Financial Times (and check out some more goofy pics, too).

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