viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Kristen Stewart Covers Glamour UK

Here are some of the highlights from the interview:

On Robert Pattinson being named ‘Sexiest Man In the World: “The first time Rob was named sexiest man in the world it was the biggest joke in the world. We never stopped taking the piss and neither did her.”

On her co-stars Taylor Lautner, Chris Hemsworth and Garrett Hedlund: “They’re all great guys and not. Geez, now I sound like I’m generalizing about attractive men. But there’s something a little vain about working out every single day. Whereas, they’re the greatest guys and all kind of goofy. That’s why it’s so funny.”

On her favorite British music: “Laura Marling. Man, I’m such a huge f**king fan. Rob introduced me to her on Twilight because he thought that [her music] was right for the movie. I love her.”

On her favorite London memory: “God, I can’t even tell you, so annoying. Erm, hmmm…. I spent my last two New Years here, and both of them were f**king incredible.”

On life in London life vs. life in the United States: “In L.A. you have to be fairly selective about where you go, but I’m so fine here. It’s similar to New York, in that people are doing their own thing and they feel like they’re probably cooler than you, so I tend to be able to get around very easily. We have bars, clubs and restaurants [in the US], but here you go to the pub for the afternoon and you have lunch. In an American publication, that would seem like, ‘She’s hitting the bars in London!’ but it’s just a different mentality here.”

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