miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Lady Gaga Discusses ‘Born This Way’ Album Cover In ‘Gagavision No. 42′

Lady Gaga somehow recently found herself with two free days in New York City, so she spent the time cobbling together her Gagavision No. 42 clip. In the video, the “Born This Way” singer discusses finishing the recording of her upcoming album and designing its cover. Watch below.

“So I have been up for about approximately perhaps 72 hours straight, working on finishing this record,” a sleepy but smiling Gaga says in the video. “And I finally finished the album cover. I love it so much.”

The next portion of Gagavision No. 42 shows Lady Gaga sitting down with her Haus Of Gaga cohorts for a meeting, where she states she doesn’t want the word “deluxe” to appear anywhere on the, uh, deluxe version of her Born This Way album. “I hate that word,” she says.

Next some text appears on the screen that says, “I designed the ‘Judas’ single cover myself, in Word, and photographed the image with my cellphone for texture.” Gaga’s second Born This Way single “Judas” is set to be released next week, on April 19.

Guess we’ll know in a few days whether these are the actual lyrics to the song or not.

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