jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Rachael Taylor Covers Vogue Australia August 2011

She's gearing up for the debut of her new TV series "Charlie's Angels," and Rachael Taylor displayed her true beauty in the August 2011 issue of Vogue Australia.

Striking a range of sexy poses for a glamorous spread, the 27-year-old Aussie actress also chatted with the magazine about her career and her role in the "Charlie's Angels" reboot.

On newsstands now in the Land Down Under, highlights from Miss Taylor's Vogue Australia interview are as follows:

On how she’s developed as an actress: “I’ve done stuff to pay my dues and that’s what actors are supposed to do, because I was a really bad actor when I was 18 or 20. [But] I knew that I liked it and I think I had some interesting perceptions about people as a young woman, but I don’t think I had any idea about how to translate that, and I don’t think I was able to sit within emotions at all. I’m only just grasping it now.”

On whether or not she’s ambitious: “I don’t really look forward to movie stardom or doing a $200-million movie or winning an Academy Award. I look forward to a career that I enjoy [where] you go home to someone you love and you drink really good wine. That’s ambitious, too: it’s hard to have those things, to have the career you really like and the life you really like. It’s hard striking that balance… That’s what I’m ambitious for. I don’t know if that means I’m ambitious or not, but these are things that I covet.”

On life: “I know what I want, I want things for myself, but I think the key to life is somebody to love, something to do and something to look forward to. I don’t think it’s complicated.”

On Drew Barrymore, executive producer of the new series of Charlie’s Angels: “I like her schtick, she comes off as really fun and she’s really sweet and very nurturing, but she’s tough as. She’s a very clever lady: she knows what her audience is and she knows how to deliver.”

On having to fight as part of her character in the series: “The fight-or-flight mechanism… I’m flight, which is perfect for my character, really, because she’s fast. But in the end, there was enormous pay-off with learning how to handle myself. I mean, look at my wrists. I’m quite agile but I’m not strong. I must have looked ridiculous. As a matter of fact, Drew Barrymore told me I looked ridiculous.”

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