jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Adam Levine Strikes A Yoga Pose For Details

Levine shared his essential poses, styles he swears by, and some of the songs from his yoga playlist with Details. Here are a few things he had to say about working out.

On why he turned to yoga: “Weights made my neck thick, and I would be like, ‘I’m turning into a monster!’ Yoga takes what you have and molds and sculpts it, which is a much more natural way to look and feel.”
On the aesthetic payoff of yoga: “I don’t like how people bullshit about how yoga is not about vanity.”

On doing yoga before a show: “At any Maroon 5 concert, you’ll see a room backstage marked YOGA. Playing a show before thousands of people is a highly unnatural state, and when I get on the mat to do an hour of yoga before the show, I come out physically relaxed.”

Watch Adam Levine do some yoga and give some tips…

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